
My name is Ian Padua,

I have spent over three decades in the advertising industry. During this time, I have worked in both Media Planning/Operations and Client Servicing Departments for some of India’s top advertising firms, MLMs, and Editing Studios. However, I felt the need to become independent and run my online business, which led me to become an Internet marketer.

Back in 1999-2002, I established a Computer Institute called WDDA in Mumbai, where we taught Programming, Web Development, and Digital Design. Today, I am an internet marketer who is passionate about making money online and enjoys reading digital marketing books, listening to music, playing the guitar, and surfing the internet every day.

As a business owner, I understand that you want to make informed decisions when it comes to investing in tools that can increase your conversion, traffic, productivity, efficiency, and profitability. That is why I am here to provide you with advice on whether a particular product is worth your time and money. I aim to help you make informed decisions that can contribute to your success.

On my website, you will find everything you need to know about the products that I recommend. Having personally tried and tested these tools, I can confidently say that they have worked wonders for me, and I am convinced they can do the same for you. I only provide reviews about products that I use for my own business, and if you decide to use them as well, you will be one step closer to achieving your goals.

I understand that you may doubt whether you need to buy a particular product or create your own. That is why I am here to share my knowledge and help you make the right decision. My aim is to provide you with valuable insights that can help you achieve your business goals.

Should you decide to purchase any of the products that I recommend through my affiliate link, I will earn a commission. This is simply a way for me to say thank you for your support and to let me know that my advice has been helpful to you.

In conclusion, I am committed to providing you with the best possible advice and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for considering my website as a valuable resource for your online business.


Ian Padua